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Aire Texas Heating & AC Blog

Aire Texas Repair

Avoid the Deep Freeze This Year

After experiencing some serious cold weather last winter, everyone is anticipating the deep freeze a little bit earlier this time. When the cold in Texas reaches national news, you know that some preparations need to be taken in order to ensure that you’re comfortable, safe, and secure. So, as your local expert on furnace repair in Plano, TX, we want to give homeowners an extra leg up with a few

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Aire Texas HVAC Repair

Furnace Problems Can Turn Hazardous

We don’t like to scare homeowners into calling us for help. It’s not a very good business model, and it ruins one of the best things that we can give homeowners around our area—peace of mind. In most cases, your furnace is probably fine and just needs a quick fix in order to operate to the best of its ability. But we won’t lie to you; some gas furnaces can

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Aire Texas Team

3 Reasons to Switch to a Heat Pump

They’re effective, they’re efficient, and they can be used in homes without air ducts. There, those are the answers you’re looking for! We’re kidding. You’re not just interested in hearing what makes heat pumps so good; you’re looking for the background behind why these systems work so well and so efficiently. After all, you risk a more precarious situation when you just take the word of someone who tells you

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Aire Texas Commercial HVAC Repair
Air Conditioning

What Does Quality Commercial AC Care Look Like?

There’s something very clear in the title of this blog post that we’d like to focus on today. Notice how we said “quality” commercial AC care? This isn’t by accident–there’s an absolutely massive difference in quality between some commercial HVAC services in our area. While many companies will have licensed technicians that can technically do commercial HVAC work, some of them won’t live up to your expectations and will cost

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Air Conditioning

It’s Energy Awareness Month!

According to, October is Energy Awareness Month! This means we start paying closer attention to our energy consumption, our electrical devices, and the HVAC systems that we rely on. We’re not telling you to run box fans and leave your AC off to save energy. In fact, this is the perfect time to invest in your air conditioner’s future! With temperatures reaching record-breaking highs every year, energy awareness month

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Air Duct Repair Plano
Indoor Air Quality

What’s In Your Air Ducts?

Air ducts are an integral part of your HVAC system. They’re responsible for moving the conditioned air from your air conditioner and depositing it into your rooms so you can feel the cool air properly. Without air ducts, you’d either have to rely on ductless HVAC systems, which are considerably more expensive than centralized systems or you’d be unable to have air conditioning at all! That’s why it’s important for

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Air Conditioning

Why Is AC Repair So Expensive?

We hear this question a lot and we completely understand. It feels like a lot of things these days are becoming more and more expensive. Our homes, our cars, our land, and even our comfort systems cost an arm and a leg to have fixed. Sometimes it doesn’t feel fair, but as an industry insider, we’d like to give you a lowdown on how these costs are figured out. AC

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Air Filter Replacement
Indoor Air Quality

5 Levels of Indoor Air Contaminants

This week we’ve decided to talk about indoor air quality—and more specifically, the types of contaminants that exist in your air. While you’re probably familiar with contaminants like dust and pet dander, you might not be as familiar with others or the negative effects that come from these contaminants. So, we’d like to take a deep dive into what is in your air and how it might be negatively impacting

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Man Thinking
Air Conditioning

HVAC Shortages: Everything You Should Know

We live in strange times, and this summer is far from normal. Homeowners in our area frequently call us for AC services in Plano, TX, which is great. We’re always available to help customers in need! However, we’d like to fill in our customers a little bit with some of what’s going on in the HVAC industry, specifically with HVAC shortages. As you’ve probably heard, there is a shortage of

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Air Conditioning

AC Maintenance Checklist

We hesitate to use the phrase “AC maintenance” since professional HVAC maintenance is much different from what we’re about to talk about. This focuses more on simple upkeep for your system, so we recommend homeowners participate. No, we’re not asking you to open up your air conditioner and start making fixes, but you’re definitely going to need to roll up your sleeves a little bit and take care of your

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Air Conditioning

3 Ways You Could Be Neglecting Your Commercial HVAC System

Record-breaking heat waves are popping up all over the country. If any business is going to survive this surge of uncomfortable weather, it’s going to have to rely on a suitable HVAC system that keeps people comfortable and happy. The reason why we bring this up is that we want to stress how important it is that your commercial air conditioner is treated with the care it deserves. If you

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Young woman relaxing under the air fan at home
Air Conditioning

What’s Wrong with Your AC?

Look, if we could answer this question in a blog post with 100% accuracy, then we’d be miracle workers. But we’re not, and unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to tell exactly what’s wrong with your specific system unless a certified professional from our team takes a closer look. While this is the reality of the situation, it doesn’t mean that our blog posts can’t help! We’re firm believers that knowledge is

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