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Why Is AC Repair So Expensive?


We hear this question a lot and we completely understand. It feels like a lot of things these days are becoming more and more expensive. Our homes, our cars, our land, and even our comfort systems cost an arm and a leg to have fixed. Sometimes it doesn’t feel fair, but as an industry insider, we’d like to give you a lowdown on how these costs are figured out.

AC repair in Plano, TX didn’t use to be so expensive and complicated. As our air conditioners got more and more high-tech, they started requiring more highly trained and skilled technicians to fix them. The good news is that these systems run on much less electrical energy than they used to because of efficiency standards. However, they’re more technologically complex and require professional attention for most of the work that needs to be done.

Keep reading and we’ll fill you in on why AC repair is so expensive!

Technology Has Improved

Air conditioners are getting better day by day. They’re becoming more reliable, they’re able to cool more space, and they’re lasting longer. This means that you’re not purchasing a new air conditioner every few years to keep your home cool; the repair costs are essentially the new purchase that you have to invest in to keep your home comfortable.

While technology has improved, our climate has changed as well. Temperatures have broken heat records over the past few years and we’re relying very heavily on our air conditioners, especially if you live in the city where temperatures are even hotter. Air conditioners are incredibly valuable these days, which is why repairs cost more on an inherent level.

That being said, with improving technology comes better ways to maintain it. Have you ever thought about investing in our HVAC maintenance program to stave off repairs and keep your system in great condition? That’s one way to reduce one of the most expensive costs of AC repair!

The Energy Efficiency Is Worth the Price

Air conditioners are more expensive to fix and maintain than they used to be—that’s true. But air conditioners are also much more energy-efficient than they used to be. AC systems really used to guzzle up half the grid of electrical power, and you can still see some of those portable or early central air conditioners buzzing at houses in our neighborhood.

While cheaper repairs might be required for cheaper systems, the more expensive systems to repair are often much more energy efficient. That means your energy bill will be lower each month when you invest the money in repairs.

Professional Repairs Last Longer

Let’s address the elephant in the room. You don’t have to pay for professional AC repairs, right? Nobody is forcing you to. You could pay for a neighborhood handyman to take a look, or maybe your father-in-law could fix it right up. He’s handy, right?

Wrong! Not only will amateur AC repairs void your warranty and potentially cause you more problems, but statistically they don’t last as long as professional repairs. When you invest the money in quality repairs, they often last much longer and lead to an extended system lifespan than just quick amateur fixes.

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