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3 Ways You Could Be Neglecting Your Commercial HVAC System


Record-breaking heat waves are popping up all over the country. If any business is going to survive this surge of uncomfortable weather, it’s going to have to rely on a suitable HVAC system that keeps people comfortable and happy.

The reason why we bring this up is that we want to stress how important it is that your commercial air conditioner is treated with the care it deserves. If you start neglecting it, even if it’s unintentional, you could see a negative impact on your budget. Also, you’ll see a noticeable drop in productivity from your employees, an increase in complaints from customers and clients, and you’re just not going to be as happy with the results from your establishment.

Don’t worry; you can always call us for Plano commercial HVAC services if you need help. Otherwise, keep reading for some tips on how you can avoid neglecting your commercial system.

1. The Air Filter

Every single HVAC system in the world uses an air filter to trap particles and contaminants before they enter the interior of the system. This is a big step in the cooling process and it’s vital that your commercial air conditioner receives the care it needs.

Try to change the air filter every 1-3 months, monthly if the temperatures are constantly very high, and every three months during a mild season. This will ensure proper airflow in your HVAC system and lower energy bills as a result. If you need help locating the return air duct, or you’re a little unsure how to go about this process, don’t worry. Call us and we’ll walk you through it step by step!

2. Regular Maintenance

Maintenance is just as important for commercial HVAC systems as they are for residential ones. Without commercial HVAC maintenance, you’ll see a decrease in energy efficiency, poor comfort control, and an overall reduction in the lifespan of your HVAC system. Maintenance is key for savings and a longer-lasting system.

It’s up to you to schedule maintenance yearly for your commercial air conditioner. The earlier you contact our team, the easier it will be to set up an appointment that works on your schedule. But keep in mind that late maintenance is always better than skipped maintenance!

3. Prompt Repairs

Are you finding yourself spending more time trying to thaw out the ice that’s built up on your system’s condenser than you are calling a professional for help? This is a problem in and of itself and it should be addressed.

We’re not trying to steer you away from helping improve your building’s comfort. On the contrary, there are things you can do to improve the comfort of your business that don’t have to do with complicated technology. For instance, you can change out the air filter, pay close attention to your building’s utility bills for efficiency measurements, and even invest in an air quality system.

With that said, leave the repairs to the Plano HVAC professionals. If you even suspect that something is wrong with your commercial AC, don’t waste time trying to fix it yourself. The most affordable and effective method of dealing with this problem is by calling us!

Call Aire Texas Residential Services, Inc. for high-quality commercial HVAC services. Doing it right the first time, every time!


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