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Aire Texas Heating & AC Blog

Air Conditioning

3 Ways You Could Be Neglecting Your Commercial HVAC System

Record-breaking heat waves are popping up all over the country. If any business is going to survive this surge of uncomfortable weather, it’s going to have to rely on a suitable HVAC system that keeps people comfortable and happy. The reason why we bring this up is that we want to stress how important it is that your commercial air conditioner is treated with the care it deserves. If you

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Young woman relaxing under the air fan at home
Air Conditioning

What’s Wrong with Your AC?

Look, if we could answer this question in a blog post with 100% accuracy, then we’d be miracle workers. But we’re not, and unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to tell exactly what’s wrong with your specific system unless a certified professional from our team takes a closer look. While this is the reality of the situation, it doesn’t mean that our blog posts can’t help! We’re firm believers that knowledge is

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AC Fix
Air Conditioning

Upgrade Your AC for This Important Reason

How much do you know about refrigerant? If you’re a savvy homeowner, you might know that refrigerant is the substance that your AC uses to transfer heat from the inside of your home to the outside. Or, you might just be comfortable knowing it’s in your AC and it just “helps” with the cooling process. Regardless of how involved you’d like to be in the cooling process of your AC,

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Brick AC
Air Conditioning

How Maintenance Helps Prevent Repairs

Maintenance is a separate service from repairs and we often have to remind homeowners that they will absolutely need both of them throughout the lifespan of their air conditioning system. However, they’re not completely independent. Repairs can sometimes seem like a vicious cycle. Once one thing gets fixed, you run your air conditioner until something else breaks, and the cycle repeats until it’s too old to fix. This is what

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Commercial HVAC Tests and Repair
Air Conditioning

Commercial HVAC Problems

Neglect is a harsh word to use. Regarding pets, our kids, or our elderly parents, neglect is one of the last things you want to happen. While we definitely don’t mean it in that context, we don’t want business owners to get complacent because their commercial HVAC system doesn’t need to drink water or eat food. Commercial HVAC neglect will lead to commercial HVAC problems; there’s no way around it.

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AC Unit
Air Conditioning

Don’t Let Your AC Make These Noises

Air conditioners aren’t supposed to make any noises, except for the sound you normally hear when it’s working perfectly. This can range anywhere from the whooshing of air gently coming from the vents, to the creaking of your air ducts as they expand and contract due to the sudden temperature change. If you hear anything other than these few noises, our team can help. However, the problem with air conditioner

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HVAC heating and air conditioning residential units or heat pumps
Air Conditioning

5 Tips for Springtime AC Care

It’s spring! While the past few weeks have felt like the dead of winter, we’re finally getting a break! This isn’t time for celebration yet, because before we know it temperatures are going to be breaking records in the opposite direction and your AC might not be able to handle it. That’s not to say that air conditioning in Plano, TX isn’t meant to handle our scorching hot temperatures. Most

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Air Conditioner repairman explaining cost of repairs to homeowners
Air Conditioning

Why We Train Our AC Repair Technicians In-House

This might seem like a strange topic to talk about in a blog post, but we promise you that you’ll get a lot out of it. HVAC technicians come in all shapes and sizes in our areas, but when it comes to education, it really depends on the company you work with. Some HVAC providers have a bare minimum of training they provide for their technicians, which often leads to

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Aire Texas Heating & AC
Air Conditioning

Too Hot? We Can Help!

When it’s too hot, it can be hard to function at all. Temperatures are going to be swelling into the nineties for the weeks to come before Fall officially rolls in. While September might be starting soon, it would be silly to assume we won’t have any more hot days here in Plano. With super-high temperatures, what can a homeowner do? What if your air conditioner breaks down from working

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5 Reasons Not to Wait for AC Repair
Air Conditioning

5 Reasons Not to Wait for AC Repair

We understand why someone would wait to call for air conditioner repairs. Just like an issue with a car or a computer, things can be expensive and they often take you by surprise. It’s not a very good feeling when you get surprised by some repair need that will reach its way into your wallet. However, sometimes the alternative is worse! Scheduling air conditioning repair in Frisco, TX is often

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Ways to Keep Your AC Running Smoothly
Air Conditioning

4 Ways to Keep Your AC Running Smoothly!

We often find homeowners sitting at home wishing they could help their air conditioner cool the place on a hot summer’s day. We understand why someone without HVAC knowledge may not grasp the intricacies of AC technology. Today, we’re here to tell you that there are a few things you can do to help give your AC that extra kick on the hottest days of the year. We’re not talking

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Air Conditioning

3 Things You Should Never Do to Your AC

Air conditioners are built to last, but the one thing that tends to get in the way of that is improper homeowner conduct. When homeowners start opening up their air conditioner and messing around with interior components, or when the system is neglected for years on end, you’re bound to run into some pretty serious problems later on. Here, we’ve listed a few things we’ve seen in our time performing

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