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Aire Texas Heating & AC Blog

3 Things You Should Never Do to Your AC


Air conditioners are built to last, but the one thing that tends to get in the way of that is improper homeowner conduct. When homeowners start opening up their air conditioner and messing around with interior components, or when the system is neglected for years on end, you’re bound to run into some pretty serious problems later on.

Here, we’ve listed a few things we’ve seen in our time performing air conditioner repair that were made worse by homeowners. While you might need AC repair in Plano, TX even if you’ve taken good care of your system, it shouldn’t be that frequent. So, keep reading and take some notes on these three important things that you should never do to your AC.

We promise that this knowledge pays off; if you know what not to do with your air conditioner, you’ll better know when to call us for professional Plano air conditioner service!

When in Doubt, Call It Out!

If you’re dealing with an air conditioner that’s causing you trouble, don’t mess about with the interior components of it, no matter how handy you think you are. The only things you should be touching are your air filter or your thermostat, anything else is off-limits and the moment you lay a finger on it could void the warranty and cause a serious problem. If you’re ever in doubt about your air conditioner, call our team and ask us about it!

#1: Lower the Thermostat

Before you say anything, lowering your thermostat to a normal temperature is fine. After all, that’s what your air conditioner is supposed to do, lower the temperature in your home, right? Absolutely!

However, many homeowners who have struggling air conditioners, or who deal with exceptionally hot days (like here in Plano) think that if they lower the thermostat down continually, they’ll increase the effectiveness of their system and make their home cooler. Here’s a little tip—your home won’t get more than 20° cooler than it is outside. Anything beyond that threshold is just adding stress to your system, increasing the chance for a breakdown, and will cause an increase in your energy bill.

#2: Open Up Your AC

We know a lot of you out there are pretty handy with a socket wrench and pliers. That being said, there are a million reasons not to open your air conditioner to try to perform DIY fixes—the most important being that you could void your warranty and cause more repairs down the line. Only a certified and licensed professional technician has the knowledge and tools to open your system up and perform repairs.

#3: Change Your Filter Incorrectly

Some filters are meant to be disposed of and replaced with an entirely new one. Others are meant to be washed or cleaned and then reinserted to be used over and over again. These rules are set in stone. A disposable air filter is not meant to be washed and reinserted no matter how clever you might think it is. Keep your air conditioner healthy by following the instructions and calling our team when you have a question.

Call our team at Aire Texas Residential Services, Inc. We’ve got your back.


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