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Aire Texas Heating & AC Blog

Top 7 Most Useful Heater Services

Plano Heater Services

Have you ever found yourself asking, “What can a heating contractor do for me?” Well, our team at Aire Texas Heating and Air Conditioning is here to answer that question. Sure, there are various different types of heating services we offer, but which ones are right for you?

From HVAC installation, to repair, maintenance, or replacement, you’ve got a lot to choose from. And, now that we’re entering fall, these decisions become more and more pressing with the seasons working against us. We provide heater services in Plano, TX all year round with the sole purpose of helping people like you make the best decision possible. Regardless of what you know or don’t know, we can help you become more informed and make a better choice for your home and comfort.

Read on and keep a notepad handy! We’re sure we’ll mention a topic that is likely to help your home improve.

1. Heater Installation

This is probably the most effective service we offer. If your home is too cold, there’s nothing more helpful than investing in a new heater installation. We install heat pumps, furnaces, and other energy-efficient heating systems that utilize ducts or run without them! Call us to talk about what your home needs are and where a new heater can fit in.

2. Heater Repair

Do you hear noises coming from your heater every day? Or perhaps you smell something funky wafting from the ductwork? These are signs that you need some serious heater repair. It’s a service we regularly offer and it’s one that most homeowners need from time to time. Remember, the earlier you call us for heater repair, the better your results are likely to be!

3. Heater Replacement

How old is your heater? How efficiently does it run? If either of those questions makes you nervous then you might want to start thinking about heater replacement. Heater replacement services can be perfect for keeping a home comfortable and heating bills low. As systems age, they can require more expensive and frequent repairs that will only cost you more in the long run.

4. Our “Cool Club” Membership Maintenance

Heating maintenance is vital for your system. Every year your heater skips maintenance, it’s likely losing up to 5% of its overall efficiency. That’s crazy! We implore every member of our community to invest in our Cool Club Membership Program so we can provide annual maintenance on your heating system. Avoid issues, increase the lifespan of your system, and reduce problems with efficiency by calling us today.

5. Thermostat Replacement

Thermostats can contribute to temperature problems with your heating system. Whether it’s an outdated thermostat or a thermostat that’s causing you to waste energy, it’s worth looking into a thermostat replacement.

6. Duct Repair

When air ducts break down, it can cause your heater to work harder. More warm air needs to be created since so much of it is leaking out of your ductwork! By receiving Plano air duct repair, you can eliminate this problem and increase the efficiency of your heater today!

7. Duct Cleaning

Your ducts might not need repair, but if they’re dirty then you’ll suffer from the same efficiency problems that ducts in disrepair do. Dust, debris, pet dander, and other contaminants can harm your heater and cause an increased need for repairs. Not only that, but contaminants in your air are bad for your health, too! Call the Plano duct cleaning experts at Aire Texas today.

Call Aire Texas Heating and Air Conditioning for your specialty Plano heater service today. Doing it right the first time, every time!


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