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Aire Texas Heating & AC Blog

What the R-22 Phaseout Means for You

AC Fix

As of January 1, 2020, the production and importation of R-22 (Freon) refrigerant will be phased out. The truth of the matter is that there are many homeowners out there in our area who have old air conditioners that still run on Freon, and many of them who don’t even know what refrigerant their AC uses. This can be troubling because if you experience a refrigerant leak in the coming years, the price of refrigerant will have skyrocketed due to limited demands.

So, what can you do to ensure that you’re prepared for the R-22 phaseout if you’re unsure about your air conditioner? That’s what we’re here for. While we do provide air conditioning repair in Plano, TX, we also perform free Freon tests to determine if your system is still using it.

What happens if we determine
that you’re still using Freon? Keep reading and we’ll fill you in.

“What Are My Options?”

If you’ve received the unfortunate news from your AC service professional that you’ve got a system that’s using Freon, there are very limited options as we push into the phaseout.

  • Replace your AC. This is the most sound
    and simple solution to the problem. Chances are, if your AC is running with
    Freon, that it is over a decade old and could use a replacement regardless. As
    prices of Freon rise, this could also be the safest, most economic choice you
    could make.
  • Doing nothing until repairs are needed. We
    hear this all the time, when people have an old air conditioner that still
    works. We get it, nobody wants to pay for a new AC unit when the old one still
    works- but if you wait until its too late, the solution will only be more
    expensive and more of a hassle.

There aren’t that many options if you’re the owner of an AC system with Freon. The R-22 phaseout is all over the news these days because it’s imperative that the public is informed about this before it happens. That’s why the best time to replace your air conditioner is now, when the summer starts to die down. There’s plenty of time between now and the next cooling season to get yourself an affordable replacement AC that runs on a better refrigerant.

In the Meantime

We’ve still got you covered, even if you can’t replace your
AC yet. Before you decide on a new AC, be sure to use our Free Freon testing
service to make sure your system really does run on Freon. Also, before the
phaseout is complete we are offering your first pound of Freon free, so get
some while you can!

This is going to be a tough transition for a lot of old air
conditioner owners. However, it doesn’t have to be as painful as you think.
We’re here to help our community through the transition and eventually push our
customers into using a more efficient and cheaper refrigerant for their system.

Call Aire Texas Residential Services, Inc. We’re doing it right the first time, every time!


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